Thank you for accepting some of the responsibility for the Maple Leaf's lackluster performance this year.
Great PR move. Finally, it seems as though someone in Toronto Maple Leafs management actually cares about the fans! The full page insert in the Globe and Mail (imagine if it were in the Sun?!) is a classy move and certainly boosts your reputation.
The words Tanenbaum used were simple and concise, especially for a Cornell grad, which spread a message that he is disappointed with the entire organization. The letter speaks about the team having an unacceptable end to the season as well as highlighting MLSE's (as a brand) key messages of: passion, hard work and accountability. I think this letter hit the nail on the head. Apologizing, moving forward and reassuring the fans are ways that will always work on the public to increase your declining image.
Although your intentions were good, it doesn't account for the consistent failure in the entirety of MLSE history.
The Raptors and Canucks have also done this.